
West Midlands, United Kingdom (9045 Members ) Signup or Login
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Recent emails/replies

It's come to the attention of the mod team today that a number of people have received strange replies or emails from 'Freecycle' advising their payment details aren't up to date and that they need to update them. 
We'd like to remind everybody that Freecycle does NOT ask for your payment details and the site is free to use for everybody. 
Any emails or messages asking members to update payment details are NOT from Freecycle and it is advisable NOT to click any links that may be in any messages or emails as these are likely to be scammers trying to get details. 
We do try to ensure members signing up aren't using Usernames or email addresses which could potentially appear as though they might be from Freecycle, however if you are in any doubt about whether or not it is Freecycle contacting you then please do feel free to check with the Mod team. 
We'd also advise that if you are receiving messages asking for payment details from other members to please let us know asap and to include the username of the member asking for those details so we can remove them from the site so that genuine members can continue to use the site without any further issues.

Thanks for your continued support and again thanks for bringing these issues to our attention.