Chipping Norton

South East, United Kingdom (5105 Members ) Signup or Login
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Posting Rules and Etiquette

CHIPPING NORTON GROUP. POSTING RULES AND ETIQUETTE (Updated July 21) 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION such as full postcodes, street names, telephone numbers (including mobiles) are not allowed in POSTS to prevent the harvesting of personal data, POSTS containing such information must be edited to remove it. 2. POSTS should be sent to your HOME GROUP first (Where you live or the group nearest to you.) If you don't get a response in a few days then post it to the next nearest group. Please note that such Cross Posting can put members off, when they see the same items on multiple sites. 3. Please do not post excessive or unrealistic WANTED Posts. As a "rule of thumb" assume no more then 3 WANTED POSTS in a 14 day period, with each post specific to 1 item. 4. Please do not spam (repeat) OFFER or WANTED posts. If you have not received a response to a post within 14 days then you may consider closing your original post and creating a new post. Please do not repeat this post for at least a month thereafter. 5. Please do not use emotive language in your POSTS. Words such as 'urgently need', 'on behalf of a charity' or 'desperate' may result in the post being rejected or edited. 6. Please do not pad out your POSTS with reasons why you want the item. 7. Chipping Norton group DOES NOT allow POSTS to be used to advertise, or offer the services of, a business, service or charity - such as through the user's name or content in the post. 8. Please DO NOT place POSTS trading or selling pets, animals or livestock. 9. Please DO NOT place POSTS asking to swap or ask for/offer payment. Such posts will be rejected and the member involved put back onto moderation or removed from the group. 10. Please DO NOT place POSTS asking to borrow or loan items in the Chipping Norton Group . There is a My Friends section of Freecycle specifically for this purpose. Please try it. 11. Please note that not all our members are familiar with text/internet speak so kindly take this into consideration when placing a POST. 12. Please make responses to POSTS as polite as possible. You are more likely to get a positive response! 13. Please do not submit Posts in capital letters. IT CAN SEEM LIKE SHOUTING 14. Please DO NOT ask or suggest to a member that they can have an item on condition that they provide professional help in order to receive it (e.g. felling trees, undertaking electrical or gas work) or, that they should tidy up, make good after such removal. 15. Please note that if you are not getting responses to your POSTS, it may be because your provider is recognizing Freecycle as SPAM. To correct this please add * to your contacts or address folder Thank you from the Chipping Norton Freecycle Moderator Team