
South East, United Kingdom (21594 Members ) Signup or Login
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Apology for notice sent in error

Apologies to all who received the "farewell" notice yesterday and for any concern caused. Please just ignore and delete it. It was intended for one member and sent in error to all, but was not spam or harmful content. Apologies again.

Kind regards Epsom Mods


Please note: If you no longer want to be a member of Freecycle.org  you can delete your account yourself

Go to https://freecycle.org and log in if necessary.

Click the My Menu icon and select My Settings.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click the red Delete Account button

Confirm that you do want to delete your acount. Your account will be immediately deleted and all associated data will be removed from our database.

Or request account deletion

Click on the Contact link at the top of this page.

Provide the email address you use for Freecycle and ask for your account to be deleted. Please use the word "Delete" in your request. If you ask us to  "Unsubscribe" you, we will keep your account and just set it so that you don't receive post emails anymore. You will still receive notications.

We will confirm when your account is deleted. All associated data will be removed from our database.