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Please do NOT offer or request contact lenses on Freecycle

Please do NOT offer contact lenses on the group "Contact Lens Supply 3. Contact lens fitting and supply 3.1 Contact lenses (CLs) can only be fitted by an optometrist, contact lens optician (CLO) or registered medical practitioner (s.25). There are exceptions for people training as such. ‘Fitting’ is defined as assessing whether a contact lens meets the needs of the individual; and, where appropriate providing the individual with one or more contact lenses for use during a trial period. (s.25(9)). 3.2 The patient must be given a copy of their contact lens specification on completion of fitting (s.25(5)). 3.3 The patient must not be ‘fitted’ with contact lenses unless they have had a recent sight test (s.25(1A)), and this would include when they come in for check-ups for the reissue of the specification, as that is effectively ‘fitting’ them (again) with contact lenses. 3.4 Powered contact lenses can only be supplied by or under the supervision or general direction of a RMP, optometrist or dispensing optician (s.27(1)(b) and 27(3)(d)). If they are for a person who is under 16 they cannot be sold under general direction (i.e. it must be direct supply or under supervision). 3.5 Plano contact lenses can only be supplied by or under the supervision of a RMP, optometrist or dispensing optician (s.27(1)(b)). 3.6 Patients cannot be supplied with powered contact lenses unless they have a valid specification (s.27(1)(a)). Copyright © 2003 The Network ( All rights reserved. Freecycle is a registered trademark of The Freecycle Network, CTM Reg. No. 5722723.