Camden (Hampstead)

London, United Kingdom (33671 Members ) Signup or Login
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Please don't post kerbside alerts or full postal addresses

If you would like to offer an item you spotted to group members, then go and get the item off of the kerb yourself and then repost it as an OFFER. We STRONGLY suggest speaking to the previous owner though, as there may be safety concerns that you may not know about (eg a child's car seat could have been in an accident, rendering it unsafe even if there is no visible damage, the item could be soiled by pets, etc). "Spotteds" and "First-come" offers don't reflect the grassroots movement that The Freecycle Network stands for. By posting items in this manner, it is possible several people will try to claim the item(s), (often arriving when all the "stuff" is gone). Not only does this add harmful emissions into our air and contribute to traffic congestion, there have been reports of people fighting over items when they arrive at the same time. In one town, the police were called when Freecycle members descended to pick up items on the pavement outside a warehouse. The site was being cleaned and the items were placed outside temporarily. Some well-meaning person spotted them and posted to the local Freecycle group. Items were taken before the police arrived. Additionally, sometimes people are evicted from their residence and everything they own is thrown out on the kerb. Before they can come back with any sort of vehicle to collect their belongings, people have picked through their clothing, furniture, and keepsakes. Not a pretty scene! And definitely not in the spirit of Freecycle. Thank you for your understanding