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Rules for Posting Offers and Wanteds

Luton Freecycle Rules & Etiquette

01. Personal details including Full Postcodes, Street Names, Email addresses and Telephone numbers (including Mobiles) are NOT allowed. This prevents the harvesting of useful information. Posts containing this kind of information may be rejected or edited. We recommend using the 1st part of a postcode or neighbourhood name such as High Town. Using postcodes as User ID’s is not allowed.

02. When you post an offer or wanted then post it ONLY to your home group (the one you reside in or are closest to). If after 48 hours you have not had a response, then post it to the next nearest group. Cross posting has a number of undesirable effects, the least of which is members being put off by seeing the same post on several local groups.

03. Please do not use emotive language in wanted posts. Words such as ‘desperate’, ‘urgent’ or ‘please help’ may result in your post being edited or rejected.

04. Please do not pad out any wanted posts with personal information about why you want the item.

05. SCAMS – If you respond to a post and the respondent asks for money then DO NOT send them any money. Please cut and paste the complete message using the ‘Contact Moderators’ link and we will investigate and take necessary action which could include removing them from the Freecycle community.

06. Posts for businesses, services, volunteers or jobs will be rejected

07. Posts for pets, animals or livestock will be rejected as we do not have the resources to verify their health or background.

08. Wanted posts for scrap metal will be rejected as we cannot verify their licenses.

09. Please do not ask to swap, borrow, loan or offer money for an item. Posts containing such material will be rejected and members put back on moderation.

10. Please DO NOT post in Capitals as this is considered rude and shouting.