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Local Guidelines of the Southampton Town Group

These are basic guidelines that keep our site running smoothly. Please have a read through before submitting your Posts.

Freecycle works by offering items to others and asking nothing in return. That means no buying or selling, no borrowing, no swapping, etc. You are welcome to place a Wanted Post for an item you would like, just don't offer to borrow and return it once you are done. (NB: If you are interested in regular borrowing and lending then consider Freecycle's "Friends Circles" as an alternative.) If you intend to sell on what you request, then full disclosure of intent to resell must be disclosed up front.

Occasionally scammers do try to use Freecycle sites, and Freecycle has a team to address this. You can help by letting moderators know if a Post or the action of a member raises concerns. Never send money for anything offered on Freecycle, this includes money for shipping/couriers. (Occasionally a member might ask for a token amount of petrol money for delivery of an item - this is allowable). For the sake of members' safety we ask that no external weblink is posted in a message in case it leads to an unsafe website. Posts on the Freecycle website are viewable by all, not just our group's 30,000+ members: for your own safety please do not include your address, 'phone number or email address in your Post.

Members of the Southampton Freecycle group find it useful to know what travelling may be required before responding to a Post. When writing your Post please state in the Location box the area in which you live, e.g. Bitterne, Swaythling, Weston, or the first part of the postcode, e.g. SO14. (Full postcodes are not advised.) If you just put "Southampton" as your location you will be asked to resubmit your Post.

There is no limit on how many Offer Posts you may submit, but each Post should only be submitted to the Group once every 14 days, even if you have cancelled the original Post or if someone hasn't arrived as arranged. It is important that you do not mark an item as 'Taken' until it has been collected. Posts are automatically closed after 90 days. If you have several items to give away, we suggest that you submit a separate Post for each one. This will avoid any confusion later as to who wants which item. We do allow the same Offer Post to be submitted to more than one group at the same time, but we recommend that you try your local group first.

Do not mark your post as 'Taken' before the item(s) have been collected.  We recommend that you wait a day or two after submitting your offer before deciding who to give your item(s) to. Contact that one person, and arrange with them an agreed time when they can collect. We recommend using the messaging system on the Freecycle site for all communication with other members, there is no expectation to give out your 'phone number or email address unless you decide to do so.  Never make a 'first to come gets it, it's outside to take' type of arrangement: the long experience of Freecycle groups is that this can lead to various problems with people turning up at unsocial hours, several people at once causing parking issues, people travelling to find items have been taken by others, people feeling aggrieved if items are not still there and knocking on members' doors, etc, etc.

This group limits Wanted Posts to 2 per 7 day period, with no repeat of a Post for a period of 14 days. Each Wanted Post should be limited to no more than three items. Vague requests, such as 'furniture', are not acceptable. Unless Southampton is your local group we might not accept a Wanted Post if you have recently submitted the same request to other groups. Always try your local group first.  Do not cancel a Post, or flag it as 'Received', until you have the item(s) in your possession.

While it is often helpful to explain briefly why you want an item, please do not provide personal information about your situation in a request for an item; we like all our members to have an equal chance of getting the item that they require. Do not try to influence members with background information about your situation, and do be aware that you are putting information into a public forum. Charities are welcome to make Posts but cannot use a Post to publicise their charity.


* SUITABLE FOR ALL: Freecycle aims to be a safe site for all to use, so posts for items that are sexually explicit or otherwise not "family friendly" are not allowed.

* LIVING CREATURES: Southampton Freecycle group does not allow Posts offering or wanting any animals, including fish. There are animal welfare charities and organizations available to offer help on this matter. We do not allow posts to share frog spawn as this can spread disease and is advised against by wildlife organisations.

* CAR BOOT ITEMS, BRIC-A-BRAC, NON SPECIFIC ITEMS: Please do not post asking for non-specific items, such as items for a car-boot sale. Please make a Post detailing the specific items that you are asking for. If you ask for a few things at a time in separate Posts you have a better chance of receiving the items you are looking for.

* SCRAP METAL: This group will not accept Wanted Posts for scrap metal. We do not have the resources to verify the registration status of members who request scrap metal. Offers of scrap metal are acceptable.

* ASBESTOS & CAR BATTERIES: There is legislation governing the disposal of old car batteries and the handling of asbestos. We will not accept Posts for car batteries or items which may contain asbestos.

* DRUGS, MEDICINES & FOOD: No drugs or medicines of any kind are to be posted on this site. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies and contact lenses. Food may be offered, but please state the best-before date and do not offer food past its use-by date.

* FIREWORKS, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS: Fireworks, alcohol, tobacco and vaping products are not permitted.

* COPIED DVD'S/CD'S AND OTHER MEDIA: Copies of DVD's, CD's and other media are not permitted, as these items are legally copyrighted.

* GAS CYLINDERS AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Gas cylinders while apparently empty, may still be pressurised - presenting the risk of the violent release of their contents. This also applies to fire extinguishers. If a cylinder is no longer needed it should be returned to a local dealer. Some local authority civic amenity sites may offer a cylinder disposal service. Soda Stream gas canisters can be offered or requested, please be clear in your Post if this is the type of canister you mean.

* PETROL, OIL, ETC.: Neither petrol nor inflammable liquids of any kind (white spirit, paraffin, fuel oil, etc.) can be offered or requested. Posts for lubricating oil are allowed provided it is in a suitable container.

* UNLOCKED HARDWARE: Unlocked hardware, such as games consoles and DVD players are not allowed. Software to unlock any electrical item or to crack passwords is not allowed.

* OWNERSHIP: You may only offer items if you are the legal owner. For example, Virgin Media Set Boxes and modems are rented, and as such always remain the property of Virgin Media. Similarly, equipment to assist the unwell or disabled may be lent by the NHS or other services - these often have on a sticker with return details. If in doubt check first whether the owner wants the item back.

* WEAPONS & KNIVES: Safety concerns as well as national laws mean that no weapons or knives can be offered. This includes chef and kitchen knives as well as historical ornamental items e.g. samurai swords or WW1 bayonets, or sport items such as bows and arrows.

* TIMBER FOR FIREWOOD: The Southampton Town Group will not accept Posts for any kind of treated wood to be offered for firewood. Treated timber contains the wood preservative CCA (chromated copper arsenate). When burnt toxic arsenic is released into the atmosphere, and the ash from burnt CCA-treated timber can contain arsenic, chromium and copper. Timber commonly treated with CAA can be found in fencing, decking and outdoor structures.

Please contact us if you have a problem, we are here to help and support you.
Your local Freecycle Moderators: David, Sarah, Becky, and Nick

5th December 2023