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Duplication of Posts

Duplication of Posts and Problems with Photos

There is only so much that we, the volunteer moderators of the Southampton Freecycle Group, can do to reduce the number of duplicate posts.  One action we are taking is to increase from 7 to 14 days the minimum allowed time before the re-submission of the same post.  As Offer and Wanted posts remain open and visible for 90 days we think this a reasonable measure.  Beware of "no shows": it is important that you leave your post open until the goods have exchanged hands.

Some members have been submitting the same post twice, sometimes only minutes apart.  There is no advantage to this.  Please be aware that your newly submitted post may not be immediately visible for a variety of reasons, but once submitted it will appear unless rejected by the moderators.

Note that, unless held for moderator approval, your open posts can be edited at any time, for example if you wish to change the wording.

One reason for submitting the same offer twice may be the long-standing problem with adding photos (which is still under investigation by the Freecycle technical team).  Please note that you can add images to an open post by editing it.  For further advice on this problem see:

Thank you for reading this, and thank you for using Freecycle.

Your Southampton Moderators