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Automated please unsubscribe me messages

Dear Members

The moderators are getting requests to “unsubscribe me”. Freecycle is not an advertising list, and you (not the moderators) control your Freecycle account.   

This may be automatically sent from your service provider or from yourselves directly. 

If you have not personally sent the moderating team an 'unsubscribe me' message, then it has come directly from your server provider, if you wish to stay with our town/group then please check your spam folder for Freecycle messages,  select them and move them to your inbox, open them from there and not in the spam folder, once you have opened the Freecycle message you can let your service provider know that Freecycle messages are not spam, you have message received options in your 'my profile ' settings,  please select the option that suits your needs. 

Here are some brief instructions on how to manage your Freecycle account.


At the upper right corner of your Freecycle account screen, you will see an icon of a person’s profile. Click on that, and then click on “My Settings” in the resulting drop-down menu. You should see a page entitled “Edit Settings.” 


As you scroll down the Edit Settings page, you will see “Password Reset”. This will allow you to change your password to protect your Freecycle account following the privacy breach. 


If you scroll down further, you will see “Global Email Preferences.” If you uncheck the box marked messages, you will not receive further messages from Freecycle, i.e., you will be unsubscribed from e-mail messaging, but will still be able to access the Freecycle board and post messages. 


If you no longer wish to have your Freecycle account (e.g., you have moved out of town), there is a maroon box at the very bottom of the page labeled “Delete Account” that will eliminate your participation in the Wirral Freecycle



Just a reminder -- if your password for Freecycle is also used for other accounts, we strongly recommend that you change your password on all accounts that use the same password as your Freecycle password. Simply deleting your Freecycle account will not protect other accounts using that password. 


Thank you for using Freecycle

Your moderator team.