
New York, United States (23159 Members ) Signup or Login

Welcome to the Manhattan Freecycle Town Group!

Manhattan currently has 23,159 members!

Thank you for giving new life to old stuff! You'll hopefully, some day be old, and will appreciate being given new life!

Be sure to visit Manhattan Town Rules by going to My Town, then Manhattan, then Notices.

Basic site Guidelines can be found in the footer of most site pages.

Thank you, in advance, for being a courteous, responsible Freecycle Manhattan Town participant!

Good Luck, Be Safe, and Have Fun!

DISCLAIMER: FREECYCLE NETWORK MEMBERS USE THE LIST AT THEIR OWN RISK. Please take reasonable measures to protect your safety and privacy when posting to the list or participating in an exchange. By joining the list, you agree to hold neither the list owners and moderators nor anyone affiliated with responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Freecycle-related exchange or communication.